
30 March, 2012

Installing Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Language Pack - Windows 7

Ok now that you have a Sharepoint Development Environment installed in Windows 7, in order to create localized content you will also need Sharepoint Language Pack. Again, installing it in Windows 7 (at least Professional edition) isn't straightforward.

So how i dit it in 4 easy steps:

1. Download Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Language Pack
Download only the language you need and note, no need to download the language pack used in the Sharepoint Foundation 2010 installation.

2. Extract Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Language Pack installer
You will need to change some files inside the installer package, if you try to run it as is, you will receive and error with a message that operating system is not supported.
So execute the following command in the installer folder:
SharePointLanguagePack.exe /extract:c:\SharePointLanguageFiles

This will extract all the files into c:\SharePointLanguageFiles

3. Edit config.xml
Ok, last but not least, edit in your favorite text file editor the c:\SharePointFiles\files\Setup\config.xml and add the line

<Setting Id="AllowWindowsClientInstall" Value="True"/>

just before


4. TWEAK DONE!! Install Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Language Pack
Just run the file c:\SharePointLanguageFiles\Setup.exe and follow the steps. Also don't forget to rerun SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, helped me a lot.
    Keep up the good work.
