
12 December, 2012

Master Detail in Sharepoint (2/2)

Ok, back to continue the article about creating Master Detail relationship in Sharepoint 2010.
In my previous post Master Detail in Sharepoint (1/2) I've shown you how to prepare the Master forms in order to view the Details of a Master item.

Now you need to tweak a bit the Details table form, in order to provide an easy way for the end user to add and update Detail items. Check it out how in this article.

01 December, 2012

Master Detail in Sharepoint (1/2)

Once again I say hi to my followers and Sharepoint fellows. Today I woke up with an urge to write about something that is always a pain in Sharepoint. The Master/Detail thing.

There is no direct way to implement a Master/Detail scenario in Sharepoint, yet I've been using a technique that is pretty simple to implement and very easy for the end user to understand.

As this requires some work, I decided to split it into two articles.

1. Create the Master/Detail relation and Master Forms
2. Update the new (Detail) item link and Detail Forms.

So in this article, I will show you how to create the Master/Detail relation and change the Master Table Forms to reflect it. Check it out how.

17 November, 2012

Get parent Summary Task and children tasks

Good evening people, this week I've faced some nice challenge in Sharepoint 2010. Working with a Task, I needed to get the parent Summary Task of Task after it was added, changed or deleted, in order to update that same Summary Task with information about its children tasks.

It took me a few hours to solve this problem, yet solved it with a simple solution. Keep reading :)

14 November, 2012

Add summary task to task list programatically

Hello again, recently I've tried to add a summary task in a task list in an event receiver.
For my surprise that turned out to be more difficult then I initially expected. Nevertheless, the solution is pretty simple.

Check it out

11 September, 2012

Dismistifying AfterProperties & BeforeProperties

Hi folks, just logged for a fast writing. Everytime I need to code an event receiver I always face the problem of what to use in order to get the Changed Values and Original Values of the event Item.

Guess we all know the:

  • SPItemEventProperties.AfterProperties
  • SPItemEventProperties.BeforeProperties
  • SPItemEventProperties.ListItem
The pain is to understand what values this properties contain in each of the events of a List or Library.
Did some debugging and found nothing new, yet with a small trick in Library events.

Check it out ...

23 August, 2012

Removing HTML tags from Drop Down list

Hi people, got another tweak to show you.

Following a previous post Filtering lookup columns I've noticed that the selected value of a DropDown list shows HTML tags like this:

Nevertheless the items in the dropdown list are ok.

The question is, how to remove the HTML tags from the selected value?

30 July, 2012

Add a new file type

Ok here is another nice tip. I recently needed to add to the context menu (ECB menu) of a file the "Edit in ..." command. Basically, if the native application is WebDav compatible I want to be able to edit any file for the referenced application, just from the browser, instead of navigating throw the Explorer View. (This will only work for Internet Explorer)

Like this:

Check it out, this is pretty fast yet very helpfull.

15 June, 2012

Explorer view is too slow

Ok I've passed the last day and a half trying to find a solution for a know problem.

Some users, were facing huge low performance copying files to a Document Library in Explorer View. After alot of web surfing without getting anywhere I add a sparkle idea that worked finally.

Check it out.

13 June, 2012

Format Date in Custom Display Form

Hi guys, here is another nice trick that took me a while to get.

Imagine you have a list with a Date field, only showing date value, not Time. If you create a Custom Display Form in Sharepoint Designer, you wiill see something incredible.

  1. Date field shows Time value
  2. Date field shows less 1 hour, which might lead to show one less day in date value
Just like this:
Ok the goal is to format the date value, check how I did it.

12 June, 2012

05 June, 2012

SharePoint 2010: Hide Recently Modified

Hi again, after a long wait. Saddly last month couldn't free some time to write a bit. Nevertheless I'm back and with some new tips that will post in the following days.

So the first one is to show, how can you hide the Recently Modified box from the Quick Launch area, in a Wiki Page Library.

Create a new site with a Wiki Page Library
You should get something like this
As you can see there is a, sometimes, annoying Recently Modified box in the Quick Launch.

So check how to hide it in 2 easy steps.

09 April, 2012

Filtering lookup columns

Good day all, I bring you another tweak for Sharepoint. In  Sharepoint 2010 and Cascade Lookups I've shown you how to filter a lookup column based on the value of another. Now, what if you want to filter a column, based on a query of the source list?
There are plenty of options over the web on how to do it using third-party tools. In my opinion it is always good to avoid that. Why? Well in the past I had huge problems with  third-party tools, specially restoring sites with those features. 

So, now, I always try to avoid third-party tools unless I've no other option.
Check how I filter columns based on queries in 6 easy steps:

08 April, 2012

Datasheet View not working

This will be one fast tip.

Recently I was struggling with Datasheet View, in some clients it simply didn't show. So how I did it in 30 seconds?

05 April, 2012

Sharepoint 2010 and Cascade Lookups

Here I am for another great tip. One of the things that lack in Sharepoint 2010 is the ability to create Cascade Lookup columns. This is, to filter the options of a lookup column based on the value of another.

Around the web you can find many solutions, I used one hosted in Codeplex The documentation needs some tweak, here you might see how I managed to put it to work.
Also, it has a little problem with Chrome, that I solved.

30 March, 2012

Installing Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Language Pack - Windows 7

Ok now that you have a Sharepoint Development Environment installed in Windows 7, in order to create localized content you will also need Sharepoint Language Pack. Again, installing it in Windows 7 (at least Professional edition) isn't straightforward.

So how i dit it in 4 easy steps:

23 March, 2012

Installing Sharepoint Foundation 2010 - Windows 7

One of the great things of Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation 2010 is the capability of creating a development environment in Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (does not work in Windows 7 Home editions). This become pretty handy for me, my working computer is a laptop, so I can now develop applications anywhere without restrictions.

So how I did it in 6 easy steps?